Monday, October 27, 2008

I love technology

I just spent two hours trying to load a video that I shot with a camera that was given to me. I still haven't figured out how to upload it. Too bad, because it was a great flower arranging video. I managed to get one uploaded to YouTube a couple of months ago, but since then something has happened. It just won't work!

Of course the hours that I spend trying to learn the things I can do with all the wonderful technology in the world are spent after work or if they are during work, it's in place of doing other equally or most likely, more important things. The frustrating thing is that I know what the potential is for using these amazing tools for my business, and myself, but I feel as if I'm looking in through the window at the food on the plates in the restaurant and I just can't figure out how to get in. The only thing that separates me and the people at the table only a foot away is a thin yet impenetrable sheet of quarter inch glass.

People in the flower business are pretty good at being "jacks of all trades," and to be so close yet so far away, to use an overused phrase, is quite close to maddening. I'm so used to being able to just pick things up. I've learned a bit of Spanish because I've needed to, I've learned several programs on the computer because I've needed to. I've learned some things about marketing, sales, finances etc., all from the need or desire to do so. All except video on the computer. It still continues to elude me. THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!

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